domingo, 24 de septiembre de 2017

More about To BE and To HAVE GOT (1ºA-1ºB)

Hi Students,
Have a look at this picture about ADJECTIVES!

Once you have finished,  CLICK ON these two links below to work on the difference between "HAVE GOT " and "TO BE".


Remember that you must pay attention to the personal pronoun and to what we are describing, ok??

Your Teacher

How computer and electronics are recycled (1ºBach/Science)

Hi Students!

Today, a video about Sims Global, a company that works for a sustainable and responsible reuse and recycling of electronics and computers.

What is your opinion about this video? Do you recycle your e gadgets? do you find it easy to find a place where to recycle it?

Your Teacher

jueves, 21 de septiembre de 2017

Has got/Have got (1ºA-1ºB)

Hi Students!

Remember that only SHE/HE/IT use the form HAS.

Click on the link below and do the following exercises

It´s an easy exercise. You can check online your correct answers!!

See you, 
Your teacher!

miércoles, 20 de septiembre de 2017

E-Waste (1º Bach/Ciencias)


Have you ever wondered on how much e-waste do we generate on earth? Whether trashed or recycled, we get rid of our mobiles phones just becouse they get old fashioned!!

Watch the following video and answer the questions below.

                                          HOW MANY PHONES HAVE YOU OWNED??

1.-Why does the video consider that dumping a phone is a threat to the environment?
2.- How often do you get a new phone or tablet?

We will be discussing about this issue next class!
