miércoles, 20 de septiembre de 2017

E-Waste (1º Bach/Ciencias)


Have you ever wondered on how much e-waste do we generate on earth? Whether trashed or recycled, we get rid of our mobiles phones just becouse they get old fashioned!!

Watch the following video and answer the questions below.

                                          HOW MANY PHONES HAVE YOU OWNED??

1.-Why does the video consider that dumping a phone is a threat to the environment?
2.- How often do you get a new phone or tablet?

We will be discussing about this issue next class!


18 comentarios:

  1. Daniel Pérez Pedrosa
    1.- Because the movile phone is formed by a lot of materials, that materials are polluting.
    2.- My mobile phone is very old and i don't no when i will buy a new mobile phone, but i think that people use buy a new mobile phone when your mobile has 2 or 3 years.

    1. Thanks Daniel.
      about answer 1.- "is made by" rather than "is formed than"

  2. Andrea Lucena Aguilar 1ºBach A:
    1. Because the parts of the phone(metal,plastic and glass)are harmful for the enviroment and this e-waste ends up in other countries,further it is toxic to water and air.
    2. I get a new phone when my phone breaks,around 2 years.

  3. Marta Morales Gomez
    1.- Because this e-wastes have toxic parts for the air and the water, this parts are glass, plastic and metal and it can ends up in other countries.
    2.- I throw away my phone when I use it 2 yars more or less.

  4. Bárbara Antequera Herrero 1A
    1.Because it isn't just make for glass, metal and plastic, it has a threat of people for enviroment.
    2.Depending on the tipe of phone or tablet, but usually, his lifespan is short. Might of 2 years.

    1. Hi Barbara!
      About question n.1
      "it isn´t just made...(not make)....and better use " it is a threat, rather than "has" , ok?

      About question nº2, I also consider than 2 years is a short lifespan for such an expensive gadget

    1)Because people change their mobile phone every two years,the mobile phones are made of plastic,metal and glass.The materials produce big quantities of waste which are detrimental to the enviroment and human health
    2)I change my mobile phone every year because i love having new mobile phones.

  6. Cristóbal Velasco Vílchez
    1. Because it has toxic metals as lead. cadmium and beryllium
    2. We get a new mobile phone every 2 years

  7. Pedro Velasco Linares

    1. Because the phones can create toxic air and water. The phones are the biggest source of toxic metals in landfills and the fastest growing source of waste.

    2. I get a new mobile phone every two years.

  8. Lucía Quinteros Barros21 de septiembre de 2017, 14:15

    Este comentario ha sido eliminado por un administrador del blog.

  9. 1.-Because it damages the environment with toxic metals. That are: lead, cadmium and beryllium.
    2.-Usually I get a new phone every two years.

  10. Victor yust espinosa

    The mobile contaminates very much the environment with his(her,your) pollutant and toxic materials. My mobile has less than one year due to the fact that other one broke me and and had buy the new one the people buy mobile newly every year or every 2 years due to the fact that they get damaged

    1. Hi Victor,
      Thanks for trying to express yourself using your own words.
      just say "the other one GOT BROKEN", ok?
