sábado, 26 de noviembre de 2016


Hi! It´s time to revise Present perfect as Unit 3 test is coming soon...!!!1 So, I have selected two different exercises for you to practice present perfect structure

1.- Click on the following video and watch this Youtube Pink Panther Episode! After watching it, try to find the following different types of sentences: 
    a) Present Simple
    b) Past simple
    c) Present perfect


2,. If you want to keep on improving, click on this link and share your results online with me! 


Bye!! Keep on working!!
Your teacher

7 comentarios:

  1. Very good and funny!
    Thanks for your working, is useful!

  2. It's enough entertaining and easy to understand. Mj Artacho

  3. hello teacher, I'm Lorena. I found a lots, for example, -in present simple: "he feels angry" or in negative "the sheep doesn't see the cowboy" - in past simple:" the cowboy closed the pass of water" or in negative "I didn't understand" -present perfect: "Adele hasbdiscovered something

  4. GREAT!!!!!! Lorena!!!! I think that, at last, you have already learned verbal tenses.Something you need to speak and write "real " english!. I´m so happy with you and I´m so proud of your efforts!! For sure, this year you will learn a lot.
    Have a nice weekend....I will upload some links for you to watch films online.
    Write me whenever you want

  5. Hello, i'm one human person(Antonio), I don¡t have nacing to talk you now. It is a "sample text".

    1. Hi Antonio!!!. Try the irregular verbs wheel. And please, study irregular verbs for the test, ok??
